
Thursday, June 27, 2013

How do you know if you’ve encountered the One True God?

You have a desire to grow in freedom that leads to spiritual enlargement, not in relational and social entanglement.

You have a desire to grow in hope that leads to confident standing firm, not in doubting half-wishing.

You have a desire to grow in understanding that leads to deepening personal, emotional and spiritual maturity, not in superficial, situational self-serving immaturity.

You have a desire to grow in creativity that leads to an outward expanded realization of limitless wonder, not in an inward-focused musing over abstraction and technique.

You have a desire to grow in passion that leads to dancing, singing, leaping, kneeling, and taking off your shoes because the ground you are standing on is holy, not in the smoldering ashes of condemnation, consequence and regret.

You have a desire to grow in love that leads to selfless dimensional eternal abandon, not in selfish, stagnant, temporary satisfaction.

How do you know if you’ve really taken hold of the One True God?

You would be freer; you would have more hope and understanding; your creativity and passion would be unstoppable, and you would love—mightily.  

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

He Has Won the War

 Ephesians 6:12
For our struggle is not against flesh and blood . . .

Here I am alone, standing

 in the fire. Instead of laying

at Your feet, I’m weary, Lord,

I’m tired. I’ve dropped my sword in battle,

Frightened by the cost, bombarded by my failure,

I fear the war is lost.

No longer able, Lord, to run

I drop upon my knees. I cry

to You, “This burden, Lord, is

just too much for me. I cannot

carry anymore; I cannot bear it, Lord.

It seems I’m just not strong enough

– a casualty of war.”

Amidst my bitter cries, I hear a stirring sound. I look

out of my darkness and see angels all around.

His gentle hand before me, I’m lifted to my feet.

Standing there, forgiven, my sword’s returned to me.

He said:

“Fight on my sweet and weary child, I’ve not forsaken you.

Because you did not trust My Word, your burdens crippled you.

I offer you unceasing rest and strength to stand

once more. Remember do not lose your hope

for I have won the war.”